Summer is the time of year when we embrace sunshine and warm weather. When we pack away our winter clothes for a few months and exchange them for shorts, t-shirts, and bathing suits. It’s a time for enjoying soft grass under our feet and beach sand between our toes. And vacations and popsicles and dinners outside and ice cream and memories. How do you capture those memories?
With the invention of the smartphone with a camera, we’ve all taken dozens upon dozens of photos of our family, friends, and selfies...but how often do you look at those photos?
We keep souvenirs from far-away travels...but are those treasures sitting in a dusty box on a shelf?
Why not keep a sweet vacation memory in a place where you can enjoy it? Reminding you of the fun times you had jumping in the ocean waves, the soothing sound of the pounding surf, that sand castle you were so proud of building…
At our house, we’ve decided to keep those memories in front of us every day, in a beautiful display.
Every time we go on vacation, whether it’s an hour’s drive or a plane flight away, we bring some beach sand home with us.
Since starting this project, we’ve collected sand from 18 different locations so far. We’ve poured the sand from each trip into beautiful bottles and labeled the location of each one on the back. And each time we look at them, displayed right in our living room, it reminds us of a happy memory.
It’s almost an art project, a collage of sorts. With all the bottles lined up side-by-side, it’s amazing to see how many different colors of sand there are and the beautiful tones of color...white, black, pink, orange, gold, and everything in between.
Such a simple thing, really, but also a beautiful display and a wonderful memory.
The next time you’re on the beach, all you need is an empty water bottle or some other container to hold about a half-cup of sand (more or less depending on the size of your bottle). Except in Hawaii, unfortunately you're not allowed to take sand from there.
Then, when you return home from your trip, find a beautiful clear glass bottle and pour the sand in with a funnel. Place a small piece of paper inside or a label on the back, listing the location and date of your trip. Finally, display it in a place in your home where it will serve as a daily reminder of simple, happy times.
Creating a display like this also keeps you excited, thinking about your next adventure! Where will you go next summer, to continue your collection?
The glass bottles that we use were purchased at Michael’s. We like to keep all the sand we’ve collected in matching bottles, but use whatever design you find beauty in and mix it up if you like.
Have fun & enjoy!
Where are you going on vacation next? Did you make this Beach Sand craft?
Such a Neat idea! Would love to do this with my kids!
Thanks so much! It's great fun for the whole family! 🙂
This is a great idea I love the different bottle options
Thanks, so glad you enjoyed it! Hope you enjoy capturing your own memories for your home. 🙂