This week, Erich & I traveled to Florida for a very exciting daughter graduated from college! We hopped on a plane, had a blessedly smooth flight, and two hours later touched down in the Sunshine State. While everyone back home was experiencing dreary, chilly, wet weather, we were basking in the sun and swimming in the ocean. Ah, Florida, how I’ve missed you.
It was a wonderful trip, visiting with both of my children for several days...just hanging out, talking, eating, playing games, and spending Mother's Day together. We all laughed as we tried to learn the rules of shuffleboard and dodged pucks careening toward our flipflop-clad feet. One afternoon, we had fun decorating her cap for graduation (she's obviously a big Disney fan). 🙂 As both my son and daughter are grown now, we’ve developed a new relationship than when they were small addition to the parent/child relationship, we’ve also become friends.
And witnessing my daughter’s graduation...oh, I admit, I cried. It’s amazing how our emotions can take on the physical form of overflowing tears. Watching her walking into the arena in her cap and gown, then walking across the stage to receive her degree...and the finale of the announcement of the graduating class...I am absolutely a proud mama!
It was only a few years ago that I, myself, graduated from college. You see, I didn’t go to college right after high school, but instead, many years later. I remember all the hard work and seemingly endless hours of poring over textbooks and notebooks and flashcards, writing paper after paper after paper, creating PowerPoint presentations, cramming for tests...and I also remember the relief and pride of graduating.
It’s one of life’s milestones that we’ve all been through. We’ve all struggled through school at times...and then finally, graduation, a time of celebration. It’s a step along the way toward a better future for ourselves and we should be proud of all we’ve accomplished, whether it’s a diploma, certificate, degree, or anything else! Yes, it’s hard work, but it’s worth it.
Education is a lifelong endeavor, whether it’s taking classes at a school or online...or reading a book to learn a new subject or skill...or even trying out a new trade or craft or experience. And we will be rewarded in the end...not only with a graduation ceremony and a certificate, but also with knowledge that no one can ever take away from you.
So now we’re back home, with wonderful memories to cherish and photos to look back on. And a life lesson too...never stop learning.
And one more thing...Congratulations sweetie! We’re so proud of you!
Meanwhile, back here at MaplewoodRoad, if you missed anything this past week, Erich finished his series of Essential Pantry-Part 3, including a downloadable & printable complete list! And if you're looking for some delicious recipes, check out Carne Asada Quesadillas for a fun & delicious dinner idea...and for breakfast & dessert, my 6 Mouthwatering Parfait Recipes You Need in Your Life Right Now. Finally, I showed you how to Plant Tomatoes Now & You'll Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor All Summer Long!
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